Help MACC and the City Reopen Natoli Fieldhouse

Are you interested in helping us get the Natoli Field House back open to the public? MACC is beginning to organize an effort in conjunction with Deb Gross and the City to get the currently-closed field house back up and running with services that would be a benefit to our immediate community.

Formally the home of the Morningside Senior Center, the Natoli Field House has sat empty for several years and we're hoping to change that. We're looking for neighbors who would like to see the Field House turned into a vibrant community asset. We need your input and your effort to make this happen!

Past ideas have included opening it up for the local sports leagues, running a pre-school, or offering an after-school program for teens. What would you like to see happen there?
If you are interested in helping us work with the City to come up with a plan for the Field House, please fill out this form

Natoli Field House
Cyndy Tabor